The Art of Curvyscaping: Holiday Edition

Greetings All,

This is officially my first fashion post and I’m excited and nervous all at the same time! I once read that dressing well is a sign of good manners, I think of it as my “Visual Handshake". As I begin to talk about fashion as it relates to the curves of my peaks and valleys, I hope this information is useful to women of all sizes.

We’re in the midst of the Holidays so I thought it would be fitting to share with you my curvyscaping tips for navigating the season.

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Body Confidence

Body confidence is a mouthful for me because even at 42, I still have to do a little pep rally to feel moderately confident. When the criticism begins to seep in through the cracks of doubt, I remind myself that people pay lots of money for the breast I’ve been blessed to have naturally, my stomach was shelter for two amazing little humans, my thunder thighs get me everywhere I need to go and there are people who would kill for legs of any kind. I just take a moment to appreciate what I do have instead of focusing on what I don’t. I’m in no way glorifying obesity because let me tell you, I’ve been working on my bikini body since birth and I don’t have it yet but I do believe beauty can be found at any size.

Buy What You Want!

Speaking of size, I’m so pumped about the flourish of plus size fashion! All those companies I used to admire from afar are now accessible and the clothes are gorgeous. There is no excuse for frumpy fashion anymore so go buy what you love! I must warn you, comfort zones will be abandoned! I personally encourage you to try different things on and get a feel for what looks good on you. You will be surprised at how much you will begin to explore other trends. I used to cringe at those festive pieces that were shoulder baring, backless or strapless. I could never imagine myself in them with the abundance of peaks and valleys I have. Well stop limiting yourself. You can. There are tons of options to satisfy your level of daring.

Does This Make You Feel Good? Pretty? Confident?

Now that you’ve taken a risk and picked something out of your comfort zone, how does it make you feel? This is extremely important because if you feel uncomfortable or self conscious of what you’re wearing it will ruin your day. If the trend is too extreme for you, find a modified version that compliments you and your taste. The goal is to bring out your best self.

The Foundation to Fabulous!

Last but not least, I could not speak of great fit without great foundation pieces. Ladies, Ladies, Ladies!! The quickest way to cheapen your look is to have the bumpy canvas of our body parts showing through the garment. Please take the time to find and wear appropriate under wear, shapewear, and bras to compliment your look.

For years my Grandma Ella would say “Plumpness, I have a nice girdle for you” I would pretend to ignore her teachings but the woman was right. Now I don’t feel complete without it. I slide by occasionally depending on the type of outfit but I have to admit, its super important. Thanks Grandma.

There you have it! Please remember, you’re beautiful and take the time to improve your Visual Handshake!

Until next time,


Self-Care Sunday: DIY Sugar Scrub

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season what better way to restore your sanity than to practice self-care. I want to share with you a quick and easy way to make a luscious Sugar Scrub to help you pamper yourself.

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You will be surprised at how easy this DIY project is and you may already have the necessary ingredients around the house. Let’s get started!

You will need:

  • An air tight container {I’m using a 3 oz. jar}

  • 1/3 Cup of Sugar {Regular granulated sugar}

  • 1/4 Cup of Oil {Vegetable, Olive, Coconut, Grapeseed are some examples}

  • Essential Oil for Fragrance {I’m using Grapefruit oil}

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Step 1: Add your Sugar into the container

Step 2: Add your oil in with the sugar

Step 3: Add several drops of the essential oil to your mixture for the level of fragrance you want

Step 4: Stir and Seal!

That’s it! I told you it would be easy. This small jar will live on my kitchen sink for hand scrubbing. Grapefruit and lemon are great scents for removing any unwanted food odors from your hands. This size is also perfect for gifting. It would be such a thoughtful gift to support self-care along with the soap we made several weeks ago. If you’re wanting to make a larger amount just double or triple your ingredients.

I hope you enjoy this self-care project as much as I do!

Until next time,


What Do You Think You’re Doing?

It’s quite possible that this should have been my first Blog Post. This post is inspired by some of the positive and not so positive feedback I’ve gotten about my blogging transition.  So here is my story.

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My name is Kimberly Scott McDowell, I have a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Finance from Georgia Southern University.  Along the way in my work experiences, I became extremely interested in making things beautiful and I was blessed with a natural creative talent to follow-through on those interests.  

A Budding Creative

I’ve been blessed with a knack for cutting short hair.  I used to love it and had tons of people waiting for me to get my hands on them. Once I had my first child, I had to break up with all my beloved clients because my son and new husband took up all my extra time.  The only hair I cut now is my own. I still get in the mood occasionally and still love to help someone with their confidence by giving a freebee. I live to see happiness on their faces when they love it.

I used to work for the Savannah Riverfront Marriott hotel.  This is where I fell in love with parties, weddings, and that whole creative process.  I took the certification test and passed it for Marriott Event Planning and eventually moved on.

I still had a thirst for event planning and wanted to be sure I was taken seriously so I completed the QC School of Event Planning courses and became a certified Wedding and Event Planner.  Finally, I can put those sweet IEWP letters behind my name.  Well those letters do not guarantee that you will be a successful Event Planner but I’m sure I explained that enough in my last blog post.  I still love the thrill of planning a good party and will continue to hustle on that end.

The Blog was Born

I have found that the more I learn the more I want to learn.  The more I want to touch and do all the things I’m interested in.  There were so many things I did behind the scenes and wanted to share just a bit of my personality with whoever decided to visit my little website. So, the Blog was born!

I have to giggle because I told one of my co-workers that I didn’t know how she did it, blogging every day, my attention span is so short.  We joke and say I have commitment issues. I must admit that this has been soooo therapeutic and is so much fun because It’s on my terms. Then along came to questions and comments…...

Why are you doing this? Are you looking for attention? Do you have a modeling contract or something? Do you take pictures of yourself every day?

Thus far those questions were as negative as they got, and I don’t think they are quite that negative. I welcomed those questions because it forced me to take a closer look at what I’m doing and why.  Truth is, I think I’m Hella cute. Round and all, I love me.  The full body shots are taken because I love my clothes and I need to begin looking at myself completely and not just my face.  This is the whole me and I really like her.  I wanted to give real women a true picture of a real woman.  

My sister has gotten me addicted to YouTube videos and while browsing them, I told George {my husband} that I was tired of seeing the extremely tight clothes on full figured woman.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bodycon dress but not everyday of the week.  So, my new goal was to figure out how I would incorporate fashion into a website that’s based on Event Planning.  I think I may have succeeded so please visit and tell me what you think.


Do It Already!

The other comments were so positive and inspiring and help speak life into what I’m doing especially when I ask MYSELF, what do you think you’re doing?  The moral of this post is DO YOU!  Who cares what others think as long as you’re not hurting them.  God never put limits on us, man did that.  Get out of your own way and be exactly who you want to be, even if that is 20 different people!

Until next time,


10 Real Things I’ve learned about having a Side-Hustle

I want to shed some light on those unexpected things I ran into when I decided to take on a side-hustle.  Those who have known me for over 15 years know that I am no stranger to side-hustles, beginning with doing hair in my kitchen to making invitations, to planning parties, to decorating those parties, etc.  I’m blessed with a creative gene and you would think that’s enough!  Well it’s not.  Here I outline 10 REAL things I’ve learned about side-hustles.

(This list is in no order of importance.)

1.       You Will Not Always Make Money.

You start your business and you’re rearing to go on this journey of making money doing something you love.  The quickest lesson I learned was that it takes money to make money.  Supplies, photo shoots, branding, websites, any professional advice will cost money.  You have to expect to invest in your business first before anyone else will.  Then you get your first client, they only want to pay $100 for something you know will cost $500.  You don’t want to turn down the chance to get your name out there so what do you do?  You supplement their budget for the sake of your name and reputation.  How I handled this:  I learned to be upfront and honest with clients about expectations or I turn down the job.  I really put this into effect in 2017. I also began to purchase my supplies in bulk during sales and not just when I had a job. This way you can begin to stockpile for any upcoming events, especially those with smaller budgets.

 2.       Stop Working for Free!

With your new-found inspiration you will want to work just for the sake of doing what you love. You quickly will find yourself on the endless ride to FAVOR Land. If you have a good heart and also love doing what you do, you often will accept those “can you do me a favor” calls and they will consume you.  How I handled this: I must admit, I have my favorites and when God places it on my heart to give a freebee, I always will.  For all those others, you will have to put your foot down at some point or another and during your discussions you will want to put the cost out there first so there are no misunderstandings.  What you will find is no follow-up calls and that’s not always a bad thing.  You put work, time, money, and effort into perfecting your craft. Stop giving it away for free.

 3.       It’s OK to Say No!

The No theory comes shortly after the lessons you should have learned in #1 and #2.  It is ok to tell clients that this venture would not be feasible for you and stick to that decision.  This is how you weed out the clients that want “a deal”.  I once saw a quote that says, “if it costs you your peace, then it’s too expensive” and I believe whole heartedly in this phrase.  In my experience when I would take on something I knew there was not enough budget for I ended up stressing for days about what I could do to help, I lost sleep, and sometimes I would burst into tears at the sheer pressure of it all.  How I handled this: Once I realized the after effects of this type pressure and what it was doing to my family as well, I learned to say no.

4.       Be Ready for Push Back from Those Close to You!

Now that you have this creatively fulfilling added dimension to your life that includes late nights, stressful outbursts, no free time and exhaustion, how are your folks handling this? Let me tell you, not well.  Your family and friends love you and will not always love to see you in this stressed out state of being.  Plus! You now have no time for them. And if you’re Successful? OMG!  You never will have time for them if you don’t sprinkle in some balance.  How I handled this: I learned to not bite off more than I can chew.  I learned to schedule work days and dedicate other days to my family and friends.  This still is a work in progress because I’m blessed with soooo many that love me but at least I’m working towards better.

 5.       Those Closest to You Will Not Always Speak Your Language.

You will often feel like you are on an island all by yourself, especially if you live in a household of non-creatives.  Upon closer observation, this is the best group of people to brainstorm with.  My husband’s and sons’ opinions are vital in most of what I do.  They bring me back to earth and help me connect with how normal people think when I get too far off into the clouds. My sister and niece, although more creative than my boys are, do the same thing.  They check me with a “side-eye” when I’m on 10 and I am often on 10.  However, it still feels lonely at times and you will feel like they don’t understand you.  How I handled this: You have to find your people, your creative tribe! This is where Facebook and Instagram Rock!!  You can connect with local people and tons of others who are like minded.  I actually need that. Often.

 6.       You Will Compare Yourself to Others Even Though You Shouldn’t.

Time and time again we hear that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others but guess what?  We do it anyway over and over again.  Social Media is a two-edged sword.  It is wonderful for displaying whatever angle you want to portray because you can edit and put your best content out there, on the flip side, so can other people.  It’s easy to get caught up in that whole “Grass is Greener” spiral because we are human, and we are knee deep in a world of constant comparison.  How I handled this: This is a daily struggle for me, but I have learned to build my own confidence and ask the real questions of myself like – What am I really upset about?  Do I feel I’m working hard enough? Is this striking a cord of mediocrity in myself?  Once you ask the important questions you will find that there is no comparison.  We are all different and create in different ways.  You have to learn to love you and what you do on a daily basis.  Now I do things because I love them and not because I am trying to “one-up” the next person.

 7.       There Will Be Extreme Periods of Drought.

You have to brace yourself for those times of drought!!!  When there are no phone calls or email requests and you are stuck twiddling your thumbs.  The first thing we think of is I’m not making any money!!  You will question your worth, am I priced too high? Am I not hustling enough? All that negative self-talk will come creeping in. Turn it around! A drought is not always a bad thing.  How I handled this: I use this time wisely and sharpen my skills through a book or class, organize my inventory, look at new ideas and projects I want to do, evaluate where I am and if I want to make changes in my hustle, or just spend quality time with my people.  Use this break as your rebuilding period and block out that negative self-talk.

 8.       You Will Not Always Feel Inspired.

Back when I was doing hair, my sister Donnica was often my guinea pig.  I would say “Donnica, I feel inspired! Let’s do some hair!”  She would JUMP in the chair eager for the experience because she and I both knew I would create something special.  Anything done with love is done right.  The same goes for creativity.  You don’t always feel inspired.  You won’t always wake up with the draft in your head ready to work.  This takes time.  Sometimes when the inspiration wave comes I would ride it until the wheels fall off!  This is where your best work comes from. Creatives need that flexibility to move and think and brainstorm but we all know it doesn’t always work like that.  You have clients and their requests that don’t always line up with yours, there are deadlines and boundaries everywhere. Boundaries are kryptonite to creatives.  How I handled this: When I’m not feeling inspired I go to all my favorite websites and browse to look at the beautiful pictures.  All you need is a spark sometimes.  Pinterest is a lifesaver!!  It allows me to save all those great ideas for when I need inspiration again.  When it comes to parties, I tend to plan my own party to showcase any off the wall idea I may have that clients don’t naturally go for. What this does is remove the boundaries for me and I love that.

 9.       If You Love It the Experience Will Make You Better.

The side hustle is similar to a relationship.  If the relationship is worth having you will put in the work to keep it afloat.  It’s an endless cycle of building, compromise, self-reflection, and rebuilding. If it’s worth it to you, you will put in the work and it will make you better day by day.  On the other hand, this will teach you pretty quickly what you’re made of and let’s face it, sometimes the things we want don’t always want us.  You have to make the decision to move on to something that works better for you.  The goal is to keep moving and learning. How I handled this: I’ve just recently began blogging, this was a result of my cycle of building, compromise, self-reflection, and rebuilding.  This has helped me get in tune with what I really love about myself and the creative work I do and I’m happier for it.

 10.   You Will Learn to Build A Thicker Skin Because Rejection Is Real.

If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned to humble myself because of what I do. Your feelings will be hurt more times than you can count.  Clients won’t always choose you, you will not always get a thank you, sometimes they will turn their nose up at your vision, sometimes you will not produce the vision you had in your head.  Its ok.  You don’t want this to happen, but this is the part that really teaches you something. It helps you make better, wiser decisions and learn to handle rejection gracefully.  How I handled this: I’ve experienced this more times than I would like to mention, and I go have a pity party. I cry about it, talk trash with my people about it, reflect, make changes, and move on.  Don’t deny yourself that time to go through it.  You need that time to truly heal from it.  Now my motto is “I’m like beer, an acquired taste” not everyone will love me or what I do and that is quite alright.

 This was truly a therapeutic writing session and will probably be the most literal I will ever get but I hope it helps someone along the way to making their dreams come true.


Until next time,

