Bath & Body Pop-Up Shop!

Hey everybody,

Seems like I haven’t chatted with you all in a while! My oldest son graduated this month and now that we have finally gotten all the celebrations done, I can focus on my new baby. Well this baby is actually a toddler now but whatever! My new baby is not an actual child, its my bath and body treats.

I love taking recipes from pinterest and tweaking them to make them my own. I have been making things for several years now, but never did I think of selling anything. I usually make them for myself or gifts for others, but never retail. This is a brand new area for me. My dear high school friend said to me “Where is your product line?….the packaging and the label are perfect! I would totally buy it!” I sat back and thought hmmmm. She may be onto something. So I took it to my hubby in a joking manner highlighting my known flakiness when it comes to my long list of hobbies and side hustles. He knows me best. He knows I love people but only in small doses. He knows I will love something and then put it down for a while after I get all the real life experience out of it. Expecting him to not be on board, shockingly he said “ Just do a Pop-Up shop! Make a set amount and when you sell out that’s it!!” Omg! That’s brilliant!! He’s Brilliant!!! And off I went to create my little empire.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I love all my hobbies but this one allows me to rely solely on me. Not someone else’s ideas, budget, judgement, just me. I love that. My friend Ashley said “Kim, let me ask you a serious question. Will you stick with this after the pop-up shop? How do you see this going?” And I thought, let’s just see how this goes and I’ll tell you later. Although my knee jerk reaction was YESSSSS! ABSOLUTELY! I have learned from my other hobbies that you don’t know what you don’t know and its best to just go with the flow. So! That’s the back story. Now own to the fun part!


Launch Date: Monday, June 7th

Time: 12:00 Noon EST

Where: Online - www. - There will be a tab labeled Shop!

Payment: Paypal Only (at the moment). Of course you can message me for cashapp, zelle, etc.

Delivery: There is a shipping charge, but I do offer free local Savannah delivery


The products we’re offering this go round are bath truffles, bath salts, body wash, body butter, soap, shimmer oil, healing butter, and beard balm. I’ve included a few of my favorites below.

Green Tea Body Wash

Green Tea Body Wash

Strawberry Bubbly Bath Truffle

Strawberry Bubbly Bath Truffle

Berry & Rosewater Soap

Berry & Rosewater Soap

Bronze Shimmer Body Oil

Bronze Shimmer Body Oil

Lavender Grapefruit Bath Salts

Lavender Grapefruit Bath Salts

Oatmeal Honey Soother Soap (Eczema Friendly)

Oatmeal Honey Soother Soap (Eczema Friendly)

I hope you find something you like and thank you to everyone that has oooohed and ahhhh a photo for me throughout this whole process. You will never know how encouraging you really are! Who knows? If this goes well, maybe we can make it a permanent thing! Here’s Hoping!

Until next time,


Self-Care Sundays: DIY Fabric Refresher!

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it’s almost June. We’ve been very limited to the outside and if you’re like me, I’m sure you’ve been taking full advantage of your home space. Cooking more, relaxing more, movie nights, spruce ups, etc. This also means it could be getting a little stuffy in there too and every time you try a new recipe your curtains wear the smell for about a week. We’ve gone to target so many times to buy household items just to see the aisle completely wiped out sooooooo I decided to make some fabric refresher myself!

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I’ve put the ingredients below so you can try too. Now remember! This is not an air freshener, the fragrance is not a strong over powering one that covers odors. It is more like Febreze where it pulls odors out of your fabrics. I used the essential oils listed below but you can come up with any combination of your choice. Try it out and tell me what you think!

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Until next time,


Self-Care Sundays! Body Butter DIY

We’re making Body Butter!! This whole week as I kept eyeballing the ingredients to this DIY, I couldn’t get Ari Lennox’s song Shea Butter Bayyybbbbee…. out of my head. Tis the season for cuddling and ashy elbows! I think you’ll enjoy this quick project and I’m sure the benefits will be limitless.

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Let’s get started!

Step 1. Grab a 1/2 cup of each of the ingredients below.


Step 2. Melt all the ingredients together in a double boiler. I am cheating here by using a big pot and my extra large pyrex measuring cup.


Step 3. After all the ingredients are melted together, chill the concoction until cool.


Step 4. Add 1 tbsp of your favorite essential oil and use your hand mixer to whip the mixture into butter.


That’s it! I then put my body butter into a cute container and I’m on my way to a winter without ashy skin. This mixture makes about 3 - 8 oz. containers. I hope you enjoyed this and will feel inspired to make your own.

Until next time,
