Self-Care Sundays: DIY Fabric Refresher!

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it’s almost June. We’ve been very limited to the outside and if you’re like me, I’m sure you’ve been taking full advantage of your home space. Cooking more, relaxing more, movie nights, spruce ups, etc. This also means it could be getting a little stuffy in there too and every time you try a new recipe your curtains wear the smell for about a week. We’ve gone to target so many times to buy household items just to see the aisle completely wiped out sooooooo I decided to make some fabric refresher myself!

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I’ve put the ingredients below so you can try too. Now remember! This is not an air freshener, the fragrance is not a strong over powering one that covers odors. It is more like Febreze where it pulls odors out of your fabrics. I used the essential oils listed below but you can come up with any combination of your choice. Try it out and tell me what you think!

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Until next time,
