Overcoming the "Pressure to Perform"

Happy New Year! I can’t believe its already 2019! The Holidays were lovely, I made gifts, meals, and had a few family activities to celebrate with cheer! My 10 days off to welcome the new year were wonderful!

All of a sudden I realize its January 1st. What are your goals for this year? Where do you think you can use the most work? How can you make your home a sanctuary for your family? How can you make them happy? How do you plan to make your children better people? What do you plan to do to save money? What’s your New Year’s Resolution??? Ughhhh! And just like that, on January 1st, I already felt like a failure for 2019.

This overwhelming feeling of inadequacy and the sneaky feeling of unhappiness flooded my brain. What’s really sad? All those questions came from my own head! I will be the first to admit, I’m really tough on me. Nothing is without criticism or question. I’m such an all or nothing person that my good is often great and my bad is usually a hell of a royal screw up. So today I dedicate this post to the four ways I plan to dig myself out of this dreadful hole.


1-Shut Up!

Stop setting yourself up for failure by sharing every single thing! Once you share a plan, idea, goal you immediately feel some form of accountability if your plans don’t go as planned. The moment someone checks in on those Big Plans you had, you have to give the speech of shame on how you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do. Of course, in our head this is awful, you feel judged, ashamed. To others, they couldn't care less. It’s all in our own head. My husband always says “You know how the fish end up in the fish market? They couldn’t keep their mouth shut!” Who needs that PRESSURE! Quietly take over the world and once you succeed you have a killer “How I did It” story to tell!

2-Write Down your Plans and Revisit Often

For an over sharer like me, this is golden advice. This is where I get to dream! As wild as they may be, I write them down with as much detail as possible then I revisit them often to begin making a step by step action plan, again, using as much detail as possible. This is where I begin to weed out the ridiculously lofty ideas and get back to what is realistically achievable given my timeline, personality, discipline, and effort.

3-Make Realistic Edits

Now that you’ve began your action plans, its perfectly ok to edit as often as necessary. Remember you set the goals so you have the power to change them. Life ebbs and flows so you have got to be flexible with yourself. If something no longer works for you, remove it. If you realized it may take longer to achieve, adjust your timeline! Not willing to sacrifice to the necessary extent? Modify your goal! Its all up to you. If you listened to Step 1, the only person you will have to consult with is you.

4-No Matter What, Keep Going

Regardless of how long a pause you take, pick back up and keep going. Dust off your dreams and get back to work. I have definitely learned that as long as you live, you will NEVER BE Completely SATISFIED! There will always be something you want to fix, do, change, accomplish. I ask that you remember to enjoy the journey and all those wonderful people standing on the sidelines waving as you continue your travels on the road to greatness!

Until Next Time,
