Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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Help Getting Out of a Funk

Hey there! I’ve spent a few days mulling over what my next post should be and trying to find a way to be upbeat and romanticize the humble life I have, all while managing my newfound situationship with PMS. Don’t cringe, this post is not about the actual flow experience, this is about the MOOD shift and body response as that time approaches. Back in my teens, I was the girl whose life was not fazed by the onset of my monthly visitor, I could carry on and enjoy my life like it was just another thing to check off the list. Now that I have matured, my body goes through a whole cycle of what feels like a form of depression or what I choose to call, The Funk. Not just PMS, this could also apply to many things that cause your mood and life to shift. During this time, I’m lazy, always hungry, feel ugly, bloated, extremely weepy, and like I’ve lost my mojo. EVERY SINGLE TIME. So in true Gracious Hostess fashion, I put together some things that help me navigate any touchy chapter I may be going through.

Don’t Fake it Til You Make It

Just submit already. Stop trying to be hard and act like nothing’s happening or bothering you. Acknowledge that you don’t feel like yourself and affirm that you are already healed. Allow yourself to deal with it accordingly. This will be a tremendous help in avoiding any blow-ups caused because you pushed the feelings aside in the hopes of dealing with them at another time. The funny thing is I always struggle with recognizing what’s happening. I’m always in denial and then the light bulb comes on and I remind myself that I’m having one of those episodes. I quickly do a mental check in of what I’m feeling to see if there are similarities from a previous episode. The answer is always yes.

Lower Your Expectations

As a natural optimist, I always think I will skip through this phase pretty quickly because I’m very self -aware. Right??! Wrong!!! Going through is not the quick way out. Going through sometimes takes a minute. We rush the process because we usually have so many other things that need our attention. I know for a fact I have said a time or two “I don’t have time for this”. Well trust me. Make time. Or you’ll be forced to make time when its the most inconvenient. Don’t be disappointed because its lasting longer than you expected. Allow the process to process. Rushing wellness is just like a fad diet, the issue always returns and, in most cases, much worse.

Warn People

The last thing you want to do is make people feel rejected or take things out on others simply because you’re in a funk. Be clear that you are not in the best mood or that you’re in a funk. Those that love you will automatically try to cheer you up but what’s most important, you will avoid hurting the innocent bystanders that have nothing to do with why you feel the way you feel. If you don’t make them aware, people tend to draw their own conclusions, and if they’re like me, I am a little too good at drawing the WRONG conclusions.

Pull Out Your Feel-Good Arsenal

We all have those foods, friends, hobbies and movies we have on repeat when we need a pep talk or to feel good. You know the ones. Pull them out and utilize these tools like your life depends on it. Sometimes they’re just what you need to jolt you out of a funk. So go cook that comfort meal, call your friend, or look at Sex and the City for the 2 millionth time. Who cares? Especially if it makes you feel better.

Dress the Part

I know this seems minor but listen, nothing will send me in a downward spiral quicker than wearing something that is uncomfortable. My brain will instantly resort to criticism that leads to me feeling even worse. Grab those outfits that are free flowing and flatter you on your not so perfect days. I promise this will help avoid any unnecessary self loathing.

Do Some Self-Care

Self-Care never hurts. Take some time to do your hair, nails, or maybe both. Take a relaxing bath or have a massage. All of the above help in getting you back to you. Just this past weekend I stayed in the house the entire weekend. I only stepped out to get the mail and I felt soooo incredibly frumpy. I didn’t realize it until I got up Monday to get ready for work and the simple act of putting on my make-up drastically improved my mood. Don’t ever underestimate the good a fresh beat, long bath, hot shower, or freshly painted toes can do. They’re an instant pick me up.

I hope you find some of my tips useful and I do understand that sometimes a funk is much more than just a funk. I pray that in those times you have the courage to seek the care you really need and know that you’re worth the investment.

Until next time,
