Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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Soak up the Slow of the Season

Hello hello hello! Through all the holiday hustle I’ve managed to peek my head up and jot down a few words to close the year.  This year has had its share of highs and unexpected lows and here we are in a mad dash to prepare for the big day! Christmas!  I don’t know about you but this last month I’ve been the biggest slacker.  I had all these plans to entertain, send holiday cards, bake, and spread cheer.  And I have done nothing the way my Virgo brain planned. Pie crusts are still in the freezer and my glittered holiday cards are still on my desk. And I’m actually ok with that. 

Thank God for my sweet husband.  He is Father Christmas himself.  He is the sole “Cheer” Leader in the house this time of year. He even sends us all Christmas cards by mail even though we live with him.  I mean look, I’m fun but he runs circles around my Christmas cheer, and I let him.  This is totally his thing. For me, I’m over here practicing being present for myself and the people I’m around. Enjoying the good company before me instead of longing to be in other places. I wish I could do and be more for others but I’m only one person and I strive daily to make a small difference in someone’s life. And I’ve learned to actually be ok with that.

Gift giving this year has been hilarious, we all know what we’re getting and we’re already opening them early at my house. We took some extra days off from work to roll around in the joy of the season because for me the real gift is that I get to spend the time with my hubby and boys and other family and friends.  And I’m actually ok with that.

We’ve had some loss, some unions and lots of new babies in the family this year.  These things have moved us emotionally and mentally closer to others.  Hubby and I plan to keep the momentum next year and continue to reach out and love on the people we still have while cherishing the memory of the one’s no longer here in person.  In order to do that, we have to slow down a bit. And I’m ok with that.

So I guess there is something to being content and loving the normal ordinary stuff about life too. You never know when you will be jolted on 10 in one direction or another so please be sure you remember to soak up the slow of the season. Happy Holidays!

Until next time,
