Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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The Vibration of Change

Hey everybody,

My goodness there has been so much change around us lately. If you say that these world events haven’t made you different in some way, then you can’t be human. Not all change is bad though, and whether its good or bad depends heavily on your perception. If you’re like me, that perception can change a million times depending on the day. Constantly moving, shifting, evolving, whether you’re ready or not.

My household is one big great ball of change. One kid is finally off at college learning what adulthood is all about, the other kid is learning to become more expressive and vocal in things he’s involved in, hubby is experiencing his own evolution and me dealing with my own stuff. We’re tackling the bitter, the sweet, the bittersweet, and the down right sour. The funny thing is, I’ve never felt more secure in who I am with each new adventure. Maybe its maturity or experience or in some cases, both.

The amazing thing about slow consistent change is that it will naturally catapult you to the next level if you let it. In days of old I would talk, debate, and present my opinion hoping others would see it my way. Nowadays, the more wise Kimberly says “What is it about this situation that makes me feel I need to prove something?” I realize now that you can only change YOU so start there. I realize the more I look inward, the more I’m able to hear others clearer and listen without judgement. The more mature and wiser Kimberly now seeks to understand first before I have to get in your a**.

This wisdom has helped me move past things quicker, forgive easier, think before speaking, speak more confidently, and handle life’s adventures a little better. This wisdom has also allowed me to recognize that life will present the same obstacle over and over until we learn the lesson. Yet there are still some lessons I learn much quicker than others. The wiser Kimberly knows that true peace can only be found in God and not in things. The “pace of grace” is not a sprint but a slow walk to be sure your wisdom has time to get there when you do. That is all.

Until next time,
