Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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Your Inner Voice: Sound Advice or Self Sabotage?

Happy New Year!!

Here we are at the top of a new 365 days. A chance to make a fresh start. I’m gonna keep this one brief but I wanted to touch on this subject as we dive into our new adventures of 2021.

This past year we’ve extended ourselves a little more care and grace due to these unfortunate worldwide events. Some of us have even began to soothe ourselves from life’s woes long before 2020. Trust me I get it. We all have a way of talking ourselves back off the ledge and pumping up our own confidence when we need to. We tell ourselves all the wonderful things about us to help us heal from whatever it is that we have issues with be it self image, past traumas, financial burdens, loss, toxic relationships and a host of other things that cause us to question who we are and our purpose.

I am all for being your own cheerleader. Listen, I’ve cheered myself on through years of being teased in elementary school, losing our mother, break-ups, sub-par annual reviews, and the pressure to be the perfect wife and mother. I’m actually really good at talking myself through things and comforting myself. Giving myself grace and understanding for my short comings and applauding my small victories. I just recently began to make an effort to focus more on how I’m feeling and not what others are thinking of me. I’ve trained my brain to compliment as much as I criticize myself. I’m so much happier for that too. But there is a flip side.

I’ve gotten so good at self soothing that sometimes my pep talks turn into bonafide EXCUSES! Excuses and Bulls**t that help me avoid getting myself to the next level. Am I talking to anyone out there? Excuses for why I don’t need to exercise, save more money, stop with the excessive cocktails, lose weight, take the class, legitimize your business, buy the house, etc. I’m a Virgo and I promise you I can sweet talk myself into and out of anything with finesse.

Again, I’m proud of me and all my accomplishments, public and private, I love who I am genuinely and because of that I’m completely honest with myself. So this year I’m jumping hurdles and crossing things off the list instead of comforting myself into mediocrity.

I wish you all well and hope you're able to use this as a push in the right direction if needed.

Until next time,
