Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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May is for Chicken Chili and Margaritas!

Hey everybody! Soooo Cinco de Mayo fell on a Tuesday this year and since we’re working from home, we said why not grab some Coronas (not the virus) and Margaritas for the night! We’ll also need some food to go with our refreshments. I know! What about Chicken Chili? George gave me the side-eye because I never physically made chicken chili but have eaten it several times. He reluctantly agreed and off I went.

I decided to use my crock pot to get the most flavorful and tender chicken since we would be working during the day anyway and we wouldn’t be ready to eat until after 5pm. I grabbed what I needed and whipped up this dish in no time. Now, I’m no gourmet chef but my husband told me this could go on the list of his favorites. Since Mr. George complimented the dish I decided to share my simple recipe with you. Hope you enjoy!

Until next time,
