Kimberly S. McDowell - The Gracious Hostess

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So You Want to be an Event Planner?

Greetings everyone,

This post follows a few questions I’ve gotten on how to get started at being an Event Planner.  I had to sit back and think; now that I’ve been doing this for a little while what can I share with people?  Well, I could talk all day about this subject, but I’ve managed to capture a handful of tips that I’ve learned to get you on your way.

 The Personality of an Event Planner

Of course, anyone can be an Event Planner, but it will certainly help tremendously if you had the following traits going for you:

·         Organized

·         Patient

·         Friendly and outgoing

·         Calm under pressure

·         Good listener

·         Able to give feedback and tackle difficult topics

·         Budget conscious

·         Have a thirst for continuous education

It takes a special type person to handle positively the whirlwind of changed minds, logistics, and mishaps that come along with planning a successful event.


I know it may feel like this is easy once you’ve planned your friend’s Birthday Bash, but this is something that should be taken serious enough to get a formal education.  Especially if you plan to really make money from it.  I can’t stress enough how this will help set you apart from the rest.  There are tons of naturally talented people out there that can put together a great event but when it comes to your credibility and your esteem, opt for education.  I was blessed with a scholarship from my job to complete my studies with QC Event School and I loved every minute.  This was a three-year online course with several modules, case studies and tutors that evaluated my work.  Even after I became certified, I still continue to hunt for affordable sessions that will help better my skillset for this constantly evolving field.  My advice is to surf the net and look for certification programs that fit your lifestyle and take the plunge, you may learn a few things.

 Name and Mission

Now that you’re certified as an official Event Planner and you’ve been practicing on family and friends’ events, what will you call your business?  Take your time with this one and brainstorm about what type of events you like, why you do what you do, your target client, and how you want the world to see you. Whatever that maybe you want it to most of all looked polished and put together.  My favorite saying is you wouldn’t want your food served to you by someone with filthy hands. Presentation is key, especially if you’re not well known.   I will use myself as an example, I have always wanted Gracious Hostess to be a part of my “logo” but decided to call my business Kimberly S. McDowell Event Planning & Design. This was great for a little while, but it felt like a box.  As if I was only allowed to do those two things.  So, after soul searching over time, I’ve rebranded myself as Kimberly S. McDowell The Gracious Hostess. This fits so much better because it encompasses all my quirky talents and interests.

Be true to yourself when you are working through deciding your name and your mission.

 Marketing Yourself

I am definitely not a marketing expert, but I recognize that I am a visual being.  I fall in love with my eyes first when it comes to events, products, etc. My guess is other people do too especially if they are looking for an event designer.  Take your time and create a professional backdrop to display your craft.  Facebook and Instagram are excellent and free to start a page of strategically placed beautiful pictures and posts of what you do.  This is an awesome way to showcase your work and reach a wider audience.  If you want to take it a step further, I created a website.  Yes, I’m that weird person that looks for official websites to visit even after I’ve seen someone’s Facebook and Instagram pages.  It makes me feel a little more official.  Use these platforms to your advantage and advertise your best work.  You sometimes have to fight the urge to post every event you do because sometimes given budget constraints, it may not be our best work.  I would encourage you to post some of the wonderful accents of the event but not every single picture.  Styled shoots are amazing for marketing yourself because they allow you to express yourself without restrictions so you can make the scenery as perfect as you would like it.  Remember to think of how you want people to feel when they look at your work and create your persona based on that.

 Look for the Free Stuff

Finally!  My last piece of advice is to take advantage of the free stuff out there!  I have gained so much inspiration from Facebook groups, Instagram personalities, Pinterest, YouTube, and podcasts.  I’ve learned how to do so many things to increase my skillset just by viewing these platforms.  There is so much useful information out there for free, especially for creatives!  Reach out to your family and friends and use them to plan events and practice some of what you learned.  They love you and I’m sure they would be happy to support you.  Take advantage of this stuff!  I urge you.

 I hope this was able to help someone on their journey to become an Event Planner or whatever your heart desires.

 Until next time,
